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  • Writer's pictureGuanglin Xu

Invited as a speaker at the seminal workshop on Sequential Decision Problems Under Uncertainty

I have been invited as a speaker at the seminal workshop on Models and Algorithms for Sequential Decision Problems under Uncertainty in Banff, Canada. I am honored that our recent work has become one of the few themes that will be discussed in the workshop.

The main objectives of the proposed workshop are the following:

1. To bring together leading researchers from different fields including Operations Research, Statistics, and Computer Science focusing on different paradigms for sequential decision problems under uncertainty. The goal is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in these different fields, and stimulate discussions and exchange of ideas between researchers from these different fields that typically would not get a chance to interact and collaborate.

2. To focus on important specific topics that could lead to deep new results in the areas of online algorithms and multi-stage robust optimization.

3. To encourage the participation of young researchers and women researchers with senior researchers in this field.

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